Office Policies
Email, Texting and Boundaries
If you're having a mental health emergency please call me directly, call 9-1-1 or take yourself to the nearest emergency room. Do not text or email. I use email and texting for making/modifying appointments, invoicing and homework assignments. I expect clients to refrain from emailing or texting therapy content and do not use either as a processing tool. Email and texts are not secure so it's best to share content during sessions. Email and texts also leave room for miscommunication, which can complicate the therapeutic relationship.
The 50-minute therapy hour is a boundary that prevents dual relationships and confusion about my role as your therapist. It's important to refrain from contact with me outside of sessions unless you're in crisis, which not only includes therapy content exchanges but also social media. The defined boundary of therapist and client gives you the opportunity and freedom to come as you are and helps me remain objective.
There is the rare occasion when I run into a client at an event or on the street. If this happens, you're welcome to say hello or not. I will never initiate out of respect for your confidentiality so please don't take it personally if I see you and don't greet you.
The 50-minute therapy hour is a boundary that prevents dual relationships and confusion about my role as your therapist. It's important to refrain from contact with me outside of sessions unless you're in crisis, which not only includes therapy content exchanges but also social media. The defined boundary of therapist and client gives you the opportunity and freedom to come as you are and helps me remain objective.
There is the rare occasion when I run into a client at an event or on the street. If this happens, you're welcome to say hello or not. I will never initiate out of respect for your confidentiality so please don't take it personally if I see you and don't greet you.
For Couples: No Secrets Policy
Both people in the couple are considered the client. During the course of therapy I may see each of you individually for one or more sessions and will not hold secrets from the other. This also applies to texts and emails. If you send me an email or text without copying your partner expect to talk about the information disclosed in session and a reminder to include your partner in future communication.
This “no secrets” policy allows me to continue to treat you as a couple while preventing a conflict of interest. For example, information learned in the course of an individual session may be relevant or even essential to treatment. If I'm unable to exercise clinical judgment regarding the need to bring the information to the couple during therapy I may terminate treatment. If you need to talk about something that you do not want to share with your partner I advise you to consult with another therapist who can treat you individually.
This “no secrets” policy allows me to continue to treat you as a couple while preventing a conflict of interest. For example, information learned in the course of an individual session may be relevant or even essential to treatment. If I'm unable to exercise clinical judgment regarding the need to bring the information to the couple during therapy I may terminate treatment. If you need to talk about something that you do not want to share with your partner I advise you to consult with another therapist who can treat you individually.
Limits of Confidentiality
Your confidentiality is very important to me and I'm required by law to break that confidentiality under certain circumstances. These circumstances are:
- Suspected abuse or neglect of a child (<18), elder (>65) or dependent adult.
- A court order for your health records.
- A threat to harm yourself or someone else.
- Insurance companies that may need access to your health records to justify treatment and/or file claims.
Insurance, Invoicing and Your Privacy
I provide monthly statements at your request if it helps you get reimbursed for the cost of therapy by your insurance company. The invoice includes a diagnosis code as insurances need it to process your claim. The invoice can act as a type of individual contract with your insurance and they can request copies of your mental health records or ask to speak with me directly to justify treatment and/or reimbursement. If this happens I will alert you before talking to your insurance company.
Office Hours and Emergencies
Office hours are Monday through Thursday 10am - 6pm. I typically don't respond to emails or texts outside of these hours unless you're having a mental health emergency. If you think you are having a mental health emergency and I'm unavailable you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255, 9-1-1 or take yourself to the nearest emergency room and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I return non-emergency voicemail and email messages within 48 hours. If you need support afterhours, we can talk about available resources and create an emergency plan while in session.
Cancellation Policy
I have a 48-hour cancellation policy. Please provide a minimum of 48-hours notice in advance of your scheduled appointment to avoid being charged a late cancellation fee, which is equivalent to the usual appointment fee. Please note that insurance companies do not reimburse for late cancellations and missed appointments.
Payment is due the day of the appointment. Late payments place me in a dual relationship with you as your creditor, which may interfere with our therapeutic relationship. I accept cash, checks, Venmo, PayPal and major credit cards through a HIPAA-compliant, third party app called IvyPay. Please note that Venmo and PayPal are not considered confidential methods of payment.
Letters and Legal Disputes
I'm not a medical doctor and unable to write letters of support for FMLA, work leave, disability, emotional support or service animals. These letters can be obtained from your medical doctor.
I will not voluntarily participate in any litigation or custody dispute in which the client or representative, and another individual or entity, are parties. I have a policy of not communicating with attorneys and will not write or sign letters, reports, declarations or affidavits to be used in a client's or representative’s legal matter. Further, I will not provide records or testimony unless I've been subpoenaed or ordered by a court of law. If I'm ordered to appear as a witness in an action involving the client, my hourly rate applies for any time spent in preparation, travel or other time in which I've made myself available for such an appearance.
Court involvement takes away my availability to serve my clients and I would prefer to not be involved in any legal disputes unless absolutely necessary.
I will not voluntarily participate in any litigation or custody dispute in which the client or representative, and another individual or entity, are parties. I have a policy of not communicating with attorneys and will not write or sign letters, reports, declarations or affidavits to be used in a client's or representative’s legal matter. Further, I will not provide records or testimony unless I've been subpoenaed or ordered by a court of law. If I'm ordered to appear as a witness in an action involving the client, my hourly rate applies for any time spent in preparation, travel or other time in which I've made myself available for such an appearance.
Court involvement takes away my availability to serve my clients and I would prefer to not be involved in any legal disputes unless absolutely necessary.